Ashley Hawkes 2016. Powered by Blogger.


"Children do not need to be made to learn about the world, or shown how. They want to, and they know how." -John Holt

Closing Time

There is something magical about walking into the Zoo as everyone else is walking out. (not to mention up front parking spots galore!) 

We can usually only handle an hour or so of the zoo, so going in an hour before closing is ideal for us. The workers are so happy and upbeat because work is almost over, and the concession stands are closing up so there's no begging for cotton candy! There are very few people inside, so we can linger in front of any exhibit without feeling guilty. Many of the nocturnal animals are beginning to wake up and move around.

There is Another Way

Textbooks, laptops at the kitchen table, a strict schedule of compartmentalized math/literature/history/science, and an online checklist to answer to. Tests. Worksheets. Requirements and deadlines.